"Monologue": Mr. Jon Bon Jovi, what the underworld were you wear? Was that a sportscoat with leather sleeves over another leather top? For shame, Jon Bon Jovi, for shame. Poor Richie Sambora stumbled on his guest appearance, but Bon Jovi saved him, dragged his set on the present and played music. Surprise, surprise.
"Ohhhh!": SNL used to get some pretty funny fake game shows but I look alike the latest ones have all been fairly lackluster.
This one was no exception. Although I'm certain some of Jon Bon Jovi's lady fans were pretty satisfied with what he was wearing. The man doesn't age, apparently.
"A Visit with Former Vice President Al Gore": Sometimes I like that Darrell Hammond would only forget the point once and for all. I wish the guy, but he's been on for too long. But so there are moments like this where they can't help but use Hammond because he's the just one who can do these impressions. Donald Trump, Dick Cheney, Chris Matthews, another older white guy who has been in the news recently. It's all Hammond! He's probably not going away until this decade passes.
"SNL Digital Short: People Get Punched Just Before Eating": I. Loved. This. I didn't get it, but I loved it. The medicine was spectacular, Andy's facial expressions and victory dances were spectacular, the Foo Fighters getting punched was spectacular. Yeah, it was great. I'm reasonably certainly the conclusion to end with a Zombie Dance went something like this...
Jorma and/or Akiva: So, Andy, we've got you punching people and. how do we need to end this?
Andy: [shrug] Zombie dance.
Jorma and/or Akiva: Sure.
Andy, Jorma, and Akiva: [smooooke]
I'm just sayin'.
"Dane Cook for ALCS": Jason Sudeikis' Dane Cook impression is pretty much spot-on when it comes to the voice. If just he could get that posture down. He's got the puffed-out chest going on, but he needs to step around a bit more and pump up the ego. You can do it, Sudeikis!
"La Rivista Della Televisione con Vinny Vedeci": After all the times I've seen this study and character, I'm still not super jazzed about it. The sole thing I consistently enjoy is the fact that Will Forte is constantly on the side, silently eating spaghetti.
"Weekend Update": Fairly weak this week. I did like Fred Armisen's political comedian, though. I felt like I was listening to the self-proclaimed "politically-aware" college students I deal with all the time. Generally, that only means complaining about the mass media, bitching about Bush, and wearing ironic t-shirts.
"Dane Cook for NLCS": See comments for "Dane Cook for ALCS". It was the like thing, don't lie to yourself.
"NBC: Football Afternoon": Filler. Oh, that was such filler.
"Bon Jovi": I believe this sketch addressed an event that most Bon Jovi listeners have pondered. It was a fun take on the question, but I look like they could have pushed it so much further.
"Iconoclasts": Now, I enjoyed this immensely. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation talking, but a recurring sketch with Kenan Thompson's Charles Barkley and Kristen Wiig's Bjork in an Odd Couple living situation would be hilarious. It's the sleep deprivation, isn't it? Oh well. I laughed. It was one of the best sketches of the night.
"Foo Fighters": As often as I know these guys, I felt like we didn't want to see them. Bon Jovi performed twice, so why didn't they just be the musical guest? J.Lo's done double duty before, why not Bon Jovi?
Next time (well, next new episode): Brian Williams and Feist! BRIAN WILLIAMS! My heart swells with glee! Judging from his appearances on The Daily Show and cameos on SNL, Williams is loss to create a large host. He has a lovely deadpan delivery that I believe will render well to the show. I still daring to say it's a little Kevin Spacey-like.
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