Wednesday, September 29, 2010

bon jovi vs. donovan

The chief question in arguments about a Residence of Fame lies in our varying notions of what criteria to follow.

Bon Jovi were, and are, massively popular. They are key figures in the growth of pop metal. They have stayed true to their basic sound over the years, while also making small moves outside that comfort zone, such as the country version of "Who Says You Can't Go Home," which made the top of the country charts.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why is Bon Jovi a candidate for the Rock & Roll Hall of Celebrity and not .

Sure they had some cute hits in the '80s, but has Bon Jovi really earned the good to be nominated for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?

As Times music critic Ann Powers accurately noted, the name of nominees seemed like a nice playlist you'd see on a good iPod mix. The 15 artists include legends and icons like AliceCooper, the Beastie Boys, Neil Diamond, Donovan, Dr.