The mind blowing American rock band, Bon Jovi is from Sayreville,New Jersey. It was formed in 1983 by the lead singer Jon Bon Jovi onthe forefront. The other performers of the band include Richie Samboraas the guitarist, David Bryan as the keyboardist, Alec John Such asbassist and Tico Torres as the drummer. Alec John Such left the band in1994 and he was replaced by Hugh Mc Donald.
The balance of the band membershad been the like since 26 years. The years 1984 and 1985 marked twomoderately successful albums from the band. But the band scored much in1986 with the release of Slippery When Wet. In 1988, with the release ofNew Jersey, Bon Jovi was elevated into global super stardom.
Thefame provided non stop touring to the band. In 1990, after the NewJersey trip, the band underwent an interruption. At that time Jon BonJovi and Richie Sambora released successful solo albums. The album, Keepthe Faith brought back the set in 1992. Since then success was withBon Jovi through out 1990s and 2000s. The latest release from them isThe Circle. It is expected to be in the spotlight by November 10, 2009.
Thesuccessful career graph of the ring includes ten studio albums, twocompilation albums and a last album along with 120 million albums soldacross the globe. They have toured over 50 countries and treated morethan 34 million music lovers with their mesmerizing performance by 2600concerts or more. In 2004, Bon Jovi was on the 14th place in QMagazine`s 50 All Time Greatest Bands. The band bagged the Award ofMerit at the American Music Awards in 2004.The ring was beneficed intothe UK Music Hall of Celebrity in 2006. In June 2009, Jon Bon Jovi and RichieSambora were inducted in to Songwriters Hall of Renown as songwriters andcollaborators.
"When We Were Beautiful" is a documentary createdby Phil Griffin depicts the ups and downs of Bon Jovi over the 25 years.It also follows the ring on their latest Lost Highway Tour. Thisdocumentary mad its introduction in Tribeca Film festival in April 2009.
InJune 2009, Bon Jovi recorded a deal of the song "Stand by Me" withIranian singer Andy Madadian. A lot of this call was sung in Farsi.This call was a souvenir of solidarity for the Iranian victims of violence.
Afterthe success of the Lost Highway Tour, the set started writing andrecording a brand new material with the aid of producer andwriter John Shanks. This album is expected to be in the spotlight byNovember 10, 2009. The low one of the album," We Weren`t Born toFollow" was released to the US radios in August 17 2009. This song isabout the hard economical times. This song is for the Wii`s upcoming gameFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. It is theforemost among the series that has been famous for using J-pop. It isnot sure if it will be used only on the promotional campaigns or inbetween the game. The deed of the album is The Band and it isconfirmed by the dear old acquaintance and mixer Obie O`Brien.
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