Friday, December 24, 2010

Expression of platonic love? Bon Jovi - Livin On A Prayer (Acoustic)

My 6 day break has started~~~ 2 years for XMAS, 3 years for CAMP RECCE IN MALAYSIA & 1 day for SC BBQ, and dozens of PS3-IN~.I probably would hold the free sentence to blog for these few days since most of the time would be family meals then pockets of free time~___Recently I have been wondering about something. Or maybe it isn't even recent, it's only a matter which time to time randomly floats around my thought tank.

I suppose it gets harder for me to have friends as I get older cause I incline to overthink it. By friends I think good friends who I can take a serious conversation with and there is a spirit of ease and it's just chill & relax. Thoughts can run crazy and there isn't actually a demand for much consideration of feelings because each individual understands the other's intentions fully and wouldn't misinteprete it.I suppose what I just simply cannot figure out is 2 things.Are conversations & my gut feeling a guess as to how likely am I going to be long term / good friends with a person?Furthermore, how do I express or know if the spirit is mutual?Recently, I see that I have been feeling alot of feelings of attraction, not romantically but I'm attracted by personalities and different people whom I have never ever encountered before in my life. So I think it's a diff feeling of similar or platonic love. And it's difficult to show it. Alot of times I think the way I see it, people just hug it out, but for me, I dont actually need to hug somebody I'm unfamiliar with or am not ending with in the foremost place. I mean a hug is awesome when two people have mutual feelings of love (platonic, familiar, comfort, etc). It only feels good and doesnt look like it's something forced.*I look like 'like' is such an under estimation of the feelings that people actually make for each other. I think I am caught in a tone between like and love. I know the individual but maybe not to the extent of household and romance, yet I dont just like them as a soul who is unimportant to the place where they dont own a position in my essence or I can just simply cut them easy and let them go anytime. If anything, this people take a definite sturdy place.Anyway, I'm not going to even trouble to paragraph my thoughts since this is a personal blog to simply let go and rant thoughts from all different directions.Gosh, I know the exemption to gush thoughts~Oh well, I shall just interject more thoughts on the subject when more come. I suppose my aim is, I am going to try my best to retain my original personality and see how that works out for me. And I'm only passing to act in conformity to my feelings. If I find that something is good at a specific degree of friendship, I'm just gona go with it. After all, it's wearying to take to act or shop or any people term it as.I only need to be me and see who is attracted to me because of the way I am~ A random person, slightly cautious, LOVER OF LIFE QNS & HAVING CONVERSATIONS =)*It drives me nuts when I cant get a proper conversation with someone or they arent interested in it. If I see signs of disinterest I will simply arrest and sadly will not trouble to try to clean that matchstick again.MY FB STATUS SAYS IT ALL:It`s difficult to express affection for people you like, but don`t know if the person feels the saame way or feels the same degree of closeness, in a total platonic way. Confusing man o.O

Anyway, I am sooo hooked on 'Livin On a Prayer'. Just heard an acoustic - guitar version and I am Loving IT. If it comes to a day where somebody plays it be in presence of me with a guitar, I mean I will fall madly in bed with the entire scenario =)Actually I am slightly sloped towards liking the variation where it's only the sheet music, no lyrics and singing at all~*Personally, my fav is the 4th video!Bon Jovi - livin' on a prayer live acoustic Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer acoustic cover Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer 2004 Acoustic Livin On A Prayer (Tomi Paldanius) LYRICS:Tommy used to go on the docksUnion's been on strike, he's down on his luckIt's tough, so toughGina works the diner all dayWorking for her man, she brings home her payFor love, mmm, for loveShe says we've got to take on to what we've gotIt doesn't give a dispute if we do it or notWe got each other and that's a lotFor love we'll make it a shot!Oh, we're half way thereOh oh, livin' on a prayerTake my hand, we'll take it I swearOh oh, livin' on a prayerTommy's got his six string in hockNow he's holding in what he exploited to get it talkSo tough, mmm, it's toughGina dreams of running awayWhen she cries in the night, Tommy whispers"Baby it's okay, someday"We gotta hold on to what we've gotIt doesn't give a dispute if we fix it or notWe got each other and that's a lotFor love we'll have it a shot!Oh, we're half way thereOh oh, livin' on a prayerTake my hand, we'll take it I swearOh oh, livin' on a prayerLivin' on a prayer!We gotta hold on ready or notYou live for the battle when it's all that you've gotWhoa, we're half way thereWhoa oh, livin' on a prayerTake my deal and we'll take it I swearWhoa oh, livin' on a prayerWhoa, we're half way thereWhoa oh, livin' on a prayerTake my reach and we'll take it I swearWhoa oh, livin' on a prayerWhoa, we're half way thereWhoa oh, livin' on a prayerTake my reach and we'll take it I swearWhoa oh, livin' on a petition[ From : ]*I know, recently alot of youtube videos, I will start posting pictures soon!**Was thinking if I should look up til midnight, but I'm just super tired lar! Especially since it rained just now! That only makes me totally want to konk out, and anyway, there's church early in the morn. TIME TO Work IN!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!~~*Xmas feels so strong and lovely~

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