Saturday, February 26, 2011

Review: Bon Jovi - Madison Square Garden !-!4-11

Jonny B just in Jovi-al show
Hey, Jersey, keep Snooki and the gang. We here in New York will takeGarden State rockers Bon Jovi off your hands. It's a good bargain for us,especially after Jonny B's block buster 2-hour show Thursday, the firstof two sold-out Madison Square Garden concerts.

Jon and hislongtime bandmates hit hard right up front with a snarling version of"Last Man Standing," which the singer played on a small riser set up infront of the seats farthest from the main stage.

Withexaggerated arm gestures - so everyone could see - and a crooner'stone, Bon Jovi hammed it up for those in the "bad seats," then joggedthrough the aisles to connect the band. As he moved through the arena, hehigh-fived the guys and smooched any good-looking blonde who got in hisway.

26.1e028.bonjovi1-300x300 Review: Bon Jovi - Madison Square Garden 2-24-11
"I don't wear crazy clothes," he said in a nod to Lady Gaga, who performed at the Garden earlier in the week.

"We're not the new kids on the block," he continued, referring tofreshly minted Knick Carmelo Anthony. "[Bon Jovi] is similar a fine wine -we only keep getting better."

One sip of the anthemic "It's My Life" - in which rock's golden boy beat his breast as he sang the chorus, "I only need to be while I'm alive" - made you wish to get drunk on the music.

Apparently recovered from a leg injury sustained at a summer show inJersey, Jon showed he's still a goofy-footed frontman who finds all hismoves in the beats of drummer Tico Torres and the flash-fire electricriffs of guitarist Richie Sambora.

Keyboard ace David Bryan -whose "Memphis" won the Best Musical Tony Award last year - was theband's unheralded hero, as usual. He was particularly good pounding thekeys for the old hit "Runaway."

Midshow, the band did trip witha quiet mini-set, with Torres sometimes bongo-ing the metre with hishand on a wooden box. Please, this guy's an extraordinary stickman - heshould never be separated from the skins.
But that was the only low-energy moment in a greatest-hits show that really was great.


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