Saturday, March 26, 2011


If I could snatch an angel I'd clip off his wings

And get them to you that would fix everything

I get in the car like I do every day

Wondering how in the earth did it go out this way?

It's just 'around the corner turn left and I'm there

I'd do anything to be anyplace but here

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If I could snatch an angel I'd clip off his wings

And get them to you that would fix everything

If I could snatch an angel he could teach us to fly

We'd live forever forever we'd never die

If I could snatch an angel

Now the parking attendant knows my maiden name

These long green hallways all expect the same

There's four elevators one goes to that floor

I brace myself when I get to the door

I shut my eyes and shoot a deep breath

Then sit down beside your hospital bed

If I could snatch an angel I'd clip off his wings

And get them to you that would fix everything

If I could snatch an angel he could teach us to fly

We'd live forever forever we'd never die

If I could snatch an angel if I could snatch an angel

He'd say the word he'd tear down these walls

People laughing like children through these hospital halls

There'd be no more tears there'd be no more blood

There'd be naught but smiles nothing but love

If I could snatch an angel if I could snatch an angel

Send "Kidnap An Angel" ringtone to your cell

Send "Kidnap An Angel" ringtone to your cell

I get up every morning drink coffee alone

My house it's too quiet I'm the just one home

I let the newspapers pile up at the door

I can't be bothered I don't show 'em no more

The flowers are blooming that you planted last spring

I can't have much sense out of anything

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