Sunday, July 31, 2011

DeBee1015's World: Bon Jovi: I lied a Survey from San Sebastian

Bon Jovi in San Sebastian

Bon Jovi Rock sweeps San Sebastian.

bonjovi-sansebastian-concie DeBee1015's World: Bon Jovi: I lied a Survey from San Sebastian
[Photo: DV]
Bon Jovi Rock sweeps San Sebastian Arturo Garcia | 30/07/2011

An interview of all ages enjoyed the concert of Bon Jovi. Anoeta filled to adopt the pop rock band.

Bon Jovi Rock sweeps San Sebastian
The concert by Bon Jovi has made ​#8203;pictures for the recurdo . Bon Jovi discharged on Friday night with fireworks over the stadium Anoeta his accumulation of hits to the pleasure of his dedicated audience. The quartet led by vocalist guaperas Jon Bon Jovi and guitarist Richie Sambora returned to San Sebastian for the 3rd time since his first visit 22 years ago and after almost a decade since the second.

Bon Jovi reviewed his account with an accent on hits from his successful stage between the mid-eighties and early nineties, when the heavy spun neat pop rock to a conventional hair salon for all ages, as commercial as cash. The successful formula has led now to be the most profitable group live and recorded higher profits with their tours, up from U2 , Springsteen or the Rolling Stones , to make three major who went through Anoeta before.

Each and every one of their leaders ( Bono , the 'Boss' and Jagger ) unabashedly emulates any Jon Bon Jovi during the concert which featured extensive Bon Jovi , over two hours, although the proposal who more links with current approaches is someone like Bryan Adams , led to paroxysms of crowded public giants. Video introduction.

The interview gave Bon Jovi
At the border of the top ten in the evening, Bon Jovi stormed the leg after the video projection of a futuristic way of foundation which screened at the monumental high-resolution screen (750,000 pixels) in a half circle, like a kind eyeball, and set at the backward of the musicians.

Between the insanity of a world that almost filled the bowl in San Sebastian, Bon Jovi chained almost at a shot at the 1st phase of the concert many themes of large commercial punch as the intense ' Raise Your Hand ',' Wild in the Streets ' ' Natural To Be My Baby 'or the more recent " We Were not Born To Follow '.

From a scenic point of view, the appearance of Bon Jovi is midway between the more focused approach in the medicine of 'Boss' or through the Stones to the largeness of the Irish. If the structures that protect members of the circle at this Clear Air Tour were identical to those of the Stones , the use of screens and visual montage is at the help of songs, as does Springsteen , which end in the stratospheric himself spent Bono and company.

The big bit of the concert of Bon Jovi
Having milestones like ' It's My Life ', with the peculiar chirping guttural Sambora the micro (the like as 'Livin' on a Prayer '), came one of the key moments in the key region of the concert: the extensive reading of the popular' Bad Medicine ', which engaged with' Hot Legs 'by Rod Stewart . With the top of the scenic structure simulating the lights of a jukebox disc machine was where Jon Bon Jovi took the chance to gag and work with the public, among other moments of the eve of Bon Jovi .

Jovi , smiling, friendly and smiling all the time, took the stage wearing a leather jacket instead of the common red jacket, changed his jacket several times and hung up the guitar in many other passages of the concert, alternating acoustic and electric , one of the most notable and celebrated occasions was during the MINISET ballads, the main deception of Bon Jovi when roughly half of the concert, the diva moved to the top of the circular walkway located on the front lawn to stage. They played with a rapt audience ' I'll Be There For You 'and attended by Sambora showing off the six strings.

Bon Jovi's connection with his home province of New Jersey (NJ) finished off the prospect with the front and guitar accompaniment Bobby Bandiera , buddy NJ clan with Southside Johnny (who was right), Steve Van Zandt or own 'Boss' .

Bon Jovi, encores to conclude

The front of Bandiera has been less anecdotal than it can be false as a second guitar in the help of a quartette of glitz, since he, along with substitute Sambora , Phil X ( Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper, Triumph ), who was in point of supplying Richie during his sudden relapse that led him back to a detox clinic in April and in good American tour.

It reinstated Sambora in June for the European leg of the circuit is on its glittering riffs and the thunderous beating of drums and dramatic Tico Torres which supports most of the ostentatious punch of rock songs from the show. Sambora was particularly prominent in the implementation during the last stretch before the encores. After the catchy " Someday I'll Be Saturday Night ', the band pressed to remember hard and hit a arren in the home straight with strong' Have A Nice Day 'and' Keep The Religion 'with the maracas and Jon Sambora showing off the taps at good speed. The issue ended in apotheosis piroctecnia full screen explosive bursting at full fire.

Bon Jovi topped the company in the encore with a round tip that had its highlights in the rock cowboy gunslinger ' Wanted Dead or Alive , "with Sambora guitar recovering the cumbersome two masts, and chanted until exhaustion Livin 'on a prayer , one of his biggest hits, with explosion of lights and the entire stadium in unison Sebastian humming the choir of the piece.

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